Binance Staking

Binance Staking, dedicated to increasing user staking income

스테이킹은 만료시 자동으로 회원님의 지갑으로 스테이킹금액과 수익이 입금됩니다.

현물지갑에 보유한 코인으로 스테이킹 참여가 가능합니다.

the distributed interest will be deducted from the refunded principal. Due to different global time zones, it takes 48-72 hours to receive the tokens.

Locked Staking Locked Staking is the process of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. For more on staking, please refer to Binance Academy.

From 0:00 AM (UTC) on the day after Locked Staking is confirmed to the end of the corresponding product period, the staking interest is distributed on a daily basis. Also, users can choose to redeem in advance. After choosing early redemption, the principal will be returned to the spot account.

Please login to use stake service

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